For an indefinite amount of time too.
"Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of GRTV News There were a few exciting things that took place last night, including the reveal of, or the first trailer shall we say, for Agatha All Along Which if you want to check that out, you can go into your local Gamereactor region and check it out But that's not what we're going to be talking about today Today I'm going to be instead focusing on a bit of a maligned simulation game It's actually available to play right now, you can check it out on PC But it was supposed to be coming to consoles on various different occasions And it suffered delays a few different times and now we're talking about one of those delays again And that game in question is of course City Skylines 2 So yes, City Skylines 2 delayed on PS5 and Xbox Series again, the third time is the charm Quite a few suspected that something was wrong when the console editions of City Skylines 2 were delayed at the 11th hour These fears turned out to be warranted as the game had a very rough launch The developers have been working hard trying to fix as much as possible since then Which is one of the reasons why the PS5 and Xbox Series were delayed again a few months ago We were then told City Skylines 2 would make its way to consoles in October, well guess what The publishers at Paradox have announced that the PS5 and Xbox Series versions of City Skylines 2 have been delayed indefinitely That's because they have not yet met the stability and performance targets set for these editions They hope to have new and better versions ready for Sony and Microsoft's approval in a few months So it's still possible we'll get the game by the end of 2024 Now the really interesting thing about this to me is Well A, it's been delayed again right, and this game has been delayed a few different times That's a bit of a concern, but B, they mention there that it's not up to performance and stability targets Now when City Skylines 2 debuted on PC As much as it made its debut, it was not up to performance and stability targets itself So if the PS5 and Xbox Series versions isn't up to that sort of level already You can look at it as one of two ways really You can say either it's not even up to the standard that we wanted from what we would have expected from City Skylines 2 on PC at launch Or alternatively they're aiming for a better sort of quality of performance and stability Unlike what we got with PC at launch Now either way, regardless of what the actual truth of the matter is If you want to check out this game on PS5 or Xbox Series consoles You're going to have to wait, and we don't know how long you have to wait for now Because again, it's been delayed indefinitely So there's no date, there's no exact sort of window or anything like that mentioned as to when this game will be coming out You know, as Eric mentions in the news piece there It could be by the end of 2024 if things work out well Maybe it's sometime in 2025 instead I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case So basically I wouldn't hold your breath on City Skylines 2 making its debut on consoles any time soon But as we do know more about the situation We'll be sure to keep you posted and updated so stay tuned for that And otherwise I'll be back now and tomorrow for the next GRTV News of the Week So yeah, I'll see you all on the next one Take care everyone"