What is 2K games working on?
"Hello there, welcome to another GRTV News, I'm Alex and as usual I'll be covering the afternoons latest and greatest when it comes to gaming gear, technology, entertainment, whatever you like, whatever you love, we always have it here for you, GRTV News and in the wider Gamereactor network as a whole, so if you like what you see and you want to see more you can check out Gamereactor wherever you get it from, from movie reviews, gaming reviews, gaming previews, exclusive content and so much more. Apologies for my voice today, I have got a bit of the flu, well, I'm not sure it's the flu, it's nothing so serious, nothing to worry about at all, I'm ploughing on as we all should be, but anyway, moving on to today's news piece, we're looking at an unannounced remake from 2K Games, I thought this was one of the more interesting pieces of today, it is the summer so news is just sort of very light when it comes to gaming, but we do get little tidbits here and there before the big event that it will be Gamescom. In any case, as spotted on a LinkedIn profile, by MP1st, Brett Shoup of 2K Games, who is a sort of motion capture artist and animator, has a list of games that he's working on or has worked on, one of those is an upcoming unannounced remake, which was swiftly removed from his LinkedIn profile. It's hard to say what this could be, because 2K has a lot of franchises, but a lot of people are pointing to potentially a Bioshock remake, some people have even pointed to something like Spec Ops The Line, which would be very interesting considering Spec Ops The Line is something that didn't really do that well upon release, and yet there's still quite a demand for it, a cult following that's built up since its release in 2013 I believe, because of that amazing story that sort of dragged people to play it, even though third person shooting mechanics were quite standard for the time. But yeah, it's really interesting to see what this could be, as Jonas has written here, there's maybe an early Grand Theft Auto remake that could come out, there's also Borderlands, that's still proving incredibly popular, especially Borderlands 2, people may love to just play that again rather than see what else 2K has got in store. We also had earlier in the year, 2K, as pointed out by Jonas here, 2K did sort of say, hey we're going to be revealing something from one of our big franchises, and it was Civ 7, so I don't think we're getting like a Civ remake or anything like that, but you never know. But yeah, I think it's really interesting to look at this stuff, because obviously a lot of people would point to like Bioshock as like the big one, right?
But then again, Shoop did point to the fact that he's worked on the upcoming Bioshock game already, and we know that there is an upcoming Bioshock game in the works, so perhaps is sort of 2K shooting itself in the foot, or maybe they're going to release a Bioshock remake ahead of the new Bioshock game coming out, so that then it would sort of generate hype on the hype train for release. I'm not really sure, I don't know if any of these franchises to me really stick out as like something that desperately needs a remake, because apart from Spec Ops The Line, they're all getting their own attention. GTA is getting GTA 6 next year, Borderlands is going to get another Borderlands some point soon, if not like a tiny teenage wonderland or some other sort of Borderlands spin-off. And we've got the movie, and then obviously Bioshock, as I say, it's got a new game. But let me know one of these, which one of these you want to see get a remake, if it's something else entirely, let me know all that as well, and I'll see you tomorrow for some more GRTV news."